Friday, November 23, 2012

An Awakening

Do you ever wish God would just set your heart on fire for Him? Have you ever begged God to bless you, or to answer your prayers? I have. I have often wanted to obtain the favor of David, the courage of Peter, the “blamelessness” of Daniel, the faith of Abraham and the wisdom of Solomon. Take any hero of the bible, any saint, I have wanted what they had. One night I even prayed that I could have a relationship with God just like Jesus had with God. I think I prayed this because I realized that Jesus shared something really special with God. Jesus knew God and I simply wanted to know God.  

Somewhere along the way, God revealed to me that I had all of these things and so much more. Jesus is my Savior, my Lord, my Friend. Because of Jesus, I have been given God’s grace. I am a new creature, my spirit is joined, made into one, with the Holy Spirit. I have the favor of David, and more. I am blameless, I am righteous! I have the faith and blessings of Abraham and any other blessing that any hero of the bible had. I even have the relationship with God, the Father, that Jesus had and has. In fact, I am a Son of God. I am a joint-heir with Jesus. ALL that God has to give is mine. And, He has already given it to me! All this time I wanted to have things that were already mine. I just didn’t know it. I didn’t know it because I didn’t know who I was and I didn’t know who God really is. I didn’t know that I had eternal life right here, right now.

This message (or series of messages) is an attempt to wake you up. You are God’s son, or daughter, His beloved! You have been given everything you could ever need. You have been given all of God’s gifts and blessings. You have been given eternal life = relationship with God! You’ve got everything! You just don’t know it - yet. It is time to wake up.

The Story of Two Sons

Jesus often used parables to tell about God’s love and God’s kingdom. In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus is telling the familiar story of the Prodigal Son. As the story goes, the first son ask his father (God) for his inheritance. He then takes his inheritance, wastes it all on ungodly living, realizes his stupidity, and comes back home to work as a slave for his father. His father (God), seeing him in the distance runs out to him, loves all over him, calls for his best robe, ring, sandals and fatted calf and throws a party to celebrate his son’s return. As the father (God) says, his son was dead, but is now alive!

This alone, is a beautiful story. If you have never read it, you should. There are some awesome things worth noting in this story. The father (God) was watching, waiting, and hoping for his son to come home. Even though this son was out living a less-than-desirable life, the father kept watch for him, spotting him on the horizon! What an amazing love! No matter what this son has done, the father celebrates, rejoices and loves all over his son. No questions asked, no harsh criticisms, no rebukes, no condemnation. Just the best robe, ring, sandals, and meat: just simple overwhelming love. What an amazing love!

BUT, the story is not over yet. If you remember, there were two sons. The second son was out working in the field when he realized a party was getting started. When he found out the party was for his lost, now found, brother, he became angry and refused to join the party. Realizing this, the father (God), came out and pleaded with him to join the party. But the second son basically said that he had never wronged his father, yet his father never threw a party for him. Then, the father (God) said, “Son, you have always been with me, and everything I have is yours.” 

WHOA! Did you catch those two things? The father (God) pleaded with his second son to join the party?! His son said “no.”!! Also, the second son, who had always been with his father, had everything that his father had to give him! The father (God) tells him that "...everything I have is yours."!!!

Do you see what is going on here? Are you awake yet? 

This story is really a story of three identities: 

The patient, graceful, loving father is clearly God. He has given us everything He has. In fact, He has given us only His very best! Even if we take all His gifts for granted, as the first son did, He still pours them out for us! Even when we don't want to engage in relationship with him, as the second son did, He pleads with us to join Him! God's love is simply amazing and it is without limits!!!! It will sweep you off your feet, if you let it.  

The first son knew who he was: He was His father’s son! He asked for his inheritance, and he received it! Even when he fell away and was living "in the flesh" he realized his mistakes, repented, and came back home - only to be swept away by his father's love. Again, the first son, knew he was a son.

The second son, did not know who he was! He did not realize that he was his loving father’s son. His never asked anything of his father, and he got exactly what he asked for: nothing. Not because it wasn’t his, but because he simply didn’t know who he was. His father plainly said that everything he has is also his son’s. The second son could have had the best robe, or the best meat, anytime he wanted. He just didn't know who he was or how his father loved him. 

When it comes to our relationship with God, most of us are the second son! We just don’t realize who we are. We don't realize how much God loves us. We may say that God loves us, but we don't KNOW in our hearts that God loves us. 

Here is the deal: God loves you! He is crazy about you! He celebrates you! He cherishes you! God is pleading with you to live in relationship with Him; to have eternal life - right here, right now. Everything God has is yours! ALL His gifts, ALL His blessings, ALL His love. It is ALL yours. It is ALL mine. It is ALL ours. If you are a born again believer, the Holy Spirit, the very power of God, lives inside you! Wrap your head around that! The power that created the universe and all that you know, lives inside of YOU. You are HIS! God LOVES YOU! 

Do you see what I am saying? God is absolutely 100% crazy about you. When He sees you, He sees His child - He sees Jesus. You are precious, you are favored, you are LOVED!

IF you could just grasp how much God loves you, you couldn't help but fall in love with God. You couldn't help but seek a relationship with God. You couldn't help but be more than a conqueror, here on this earth! You couldn't help but to be swept away by His overwhelming love.

God loves you. He wants to have a relationship with you. One where you actually walk with Him, talk to Him, listen to Him. laugh with Him. He wants to share His secrets with you, His thoughts, His wisdom. 

You have to wake up. Don't you know who we are? You are a cherished, loved, child of God. His very own delight. He is absolutely crazy in love with you. He is never angry with you. He celebrates you. He wants His very best for you. He simply loves you.

Wake up. If your heart is not on fire for God, you just don't know who you are. God has given you everything He has. He has given you the match and the gasoline. Set your own heart on fire. Become alive!

This message is for everyone, but it is specifically for those that believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

You Are Adopted

You did not receive the spirit of bondage and fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. - Romans 8:15-16

...just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will... - Ephesians 1:4-5

Have you ever read these verses before? Do you know what they are saying? We, those who believe in Jesus as our savior, are adopted. We are God's children. Did you catch that? We are adopted! Do you know what this means? We are chosen. Chosen by God - because He wants us, He loves us.

Check this out: A parent can choose to love their own, natural child, as they should. Children are one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. But not all parents choose to love their own children. Some children are mistreated, abused, ignored, or even abandoned because we live in a broken world. The point is, a natural parent can choose whether or not to love their child. BUT, with adoption, the choice has been made. When a child is adopted, that child is chosen to be loved. When a couple chooses to adopt a baby, they are saying, "I want you, I have to have you." Adoption means, "I have so much love to give, it hurts. I WANT you to be my child. I WANT to love you!"

How awesome and amazing is that?! God, the GOOD Father, wants you so much that He is choosing to adopt you! You are loved so much, in His desire to have you, He sent Jesus (His true Son) as a savior, to rescue you and redeem you so that He could adopt you. Why would He do that? How could He love us so much? As it says it Ephesians 1:5, He did it according to His good pleasure. 

Whoa. It is God's good pleasure to adopt you, to choose you, to love you. It gives God pleasure to love His children. That is amazing. No, God is amazing. How beautiful is it to know that God wants us, He wants to love us, AND it gives Him pleasure to love us? 

By adopting us as His children, God is saying, "I am absolutely crazy about you. I want you. I love you. I have to have you. Let me love you." Can you see this with your heart? This knowledge is almost too wonderful to contain in the soul. It makes the heart just melt for God. It makes the heart cry out, "Abba, Father!", or "Dad, Daddy!" 

You are adopted! You are desired. You are chosen. You are wanted. You are cherished. You are prized. You are delighted in. You are loved in its purest, richest form. Praise God! He is the GOOD Father, the GOOD Dad.

Will we ever comprehend the width and length and depth and height of God's love, as it says in Ephesians 3:18? I don't know, but doesn't knowing how He loves us make you want to try? God is Love. You are loved. Praise God!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Love More

The internet is a wonderful communication medium. At least it can be. You can instantly connect with thousands of friends, loved ones, and neighbors anywhere in the world. What an amazing technology we have access to. The internet can also be a communication condemnation medium as well. What I mean is that it is real easy to say things on facebook, email, twitter, forums, or where ever that you would never say in front of other people; especially when they can look you in the eyes.

It is too easy to allow venom to seep through our fingertips when we sit down to communicate via technology. It is also too easy to hide. 

We just had an election for the office of President of the United States. Our country is clearly divided. This morning, on facebook and other mediums, venom flowed. Well meaning, otherwise good people, were being critical, hateful, and downright mean towards their neighbors, peers, family members and loved ones. Many of the people passing judgment were God loving people. Some used colorful language, some used damning words, and others preached end of times. 

It is easy to condemn people on facebook. My question is though, do you think these same things would have been said by those who said them if they had to look their neighbor in the eye when they said them. Could they say the same things to the person on their right sitting on the same church pew that they are sitting on? 

I don't think we always know what we are doing. I love God. I too want to honor Him. But this is what I know about God, He said a couple of things of wonderful things we should take note of:

"And you shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:30-31

There is no other commandment greater than these. Here is the question: Is condemning your neighbor on the internet, where you don't have to look them in the eye, is that loving your neighbor? Is that what loving them looks like? 

We may disagree with our neighbors over politics but to curse them for their opinions and their choice of voting seems a little "unloving." There are no easy choices when it comes to selecting a candidate to vote for, at least not in these times. If your neighbor votes differently than you do, does that make them ignorant and immoral? What if they love God as much as you do? What if they love you as they love themselves? 

Jesus loved. He forgave sinners all around Him. He did not accuse or rebuke them. Well, He did rebuke the self-righteous Pharisees and religious leaders, but to all other sinners, He forgave them. He had compassion on them. He healed them. He loved them. 

On the internet we are quick to say what is really in our hearts. Unfortunately, this reveals what is really in our hearts. Do you see what I'm saying here? Anyway, God sees our hearts. Yet, he doesn't condemn us. Maybe it is because we are busy condemning each other over our political views and opinions. 

Someone you really love voted differently than you did. Do you really think they are immoral, stupid, lost, corrupt, evil, etc? Maybe they are, i don't know. But, if they are, do you love them enough to tell them to their face? Or, do you loath them enough to tell the world on facebook how right you are and how dumb they are? Is that really what your intent is? Do you think facebook gives you the strength to stand up for God while at the same time act as He never would? Or does facebook simply allow you to reveal what is really in your heart? 

None of us are perfect. Not yet. Thankfully, we are loved no matter how close or far we are away from perfection. God looks past our flaws. He LOVES His children. He does not condemn us - those who are in Jesus. If you don't believe this, read Romans Chapter 8. If our sins are forgiven, then surely our votes - if they are "wrong", are also forgiven.

God is love. He said that "There is no other commandment greater than these": 

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
  2. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Love your neighbor. What does that look like?