Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Love More

The internet is a wonderful communication medium. At least it can be. You can instantly connect with thousands of friends, loved ones, and neighbors anywhere in the world. What an amazing technology we have access to. The internet can also be a communication condemnation medium as well. What I mean is that it is real easy to say things on facebook, email, twitter, forums, or where ever that you would never say in front of other people; especially when they can look you in the eyes.

It is too easy to allow venom to seep through our fingertips when we sit down to communicate via technology. It is also too easy to hide. 

We just had an election for the office of President of the United States. Our country is clearly divided. This morning, on facebook and other mediums, venom flowed. Well meaning, otherwise good people, were being critical, hateful, and downright mean towards their neighbors, peers, family members and loved ones. Many of the people passing judgment were God loving people. Some used colorful language, some used damning words, and others preached end of times. 

It is easy to condemn people on facebook. My question is though, do you think these same things would have been said by those who said them if they had to look their neighbor in the eye when they said them. Could they say the same things to the person on their right sitting on the same church pew that they are sitting on? 

I don't think we always know what we are doing. I love God. I too want to honor Him. But this is what I know about God, He said a couple of things of wonderful things we should take note of:

"And you shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment. And the second, like it is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these." - Mark 12:30-31

There is no other commandment greater than these. Here is the question: Is condemning your neighbor on the internet, where you don't have to look them in the eye, is that loving your neighbor? Is that what loving them looks like? 

We may disagree with our neighbors over politics but to curse them for their opinions and their choice of voting seems a little "unloving." There are no easy choices when it comes to selecting a candidate to vote for, at least not in these times. If your neighbor votes differently than you do, does that make them ignorant and immoral? What if they love God as much as you do? What if they love you as they love themselves? 

Jesus loved. He forgave sinners all around Him. He did not accuse or rebuke them. Well, He did rebuke the self-righteous Pharisees and religious leaders, but to all other sinners, He forgave them. He had compassion on them. He healed them. He loved them. 

On the internet we are quick to say what is really in our hearts. Unfortunately, this reveals what is really in our hearts. Do you see what I'm saying here? Anyway, God sees our hearts. Yet, he doesn't condemn us. Maybe it is because we are busy condemning each other over our political views and opinions. 

Someone you really love voted differently than you did. Do you really think they are immoral, stupid, lost, corrupt, evil, etc? Maybe they are, i don't know. But, if they are, do you love them enough to tell them to their face? Or, do you loath them enough to tell the world on facebook how right you are and how dumb they are? Is that really what your intent is? Do you think facebook gives you the strength to stand up for God while at the same time act as He never would? Or does facebook simply allow you to reveal what is really in your heart? 

None of us are perfect. Not yet. Thankfully, we are loved no matter how close or far we are away from perfection. God looks past our flaws. He LOVES His children. He does not condemn us - those who are in Jesus. If you don't believe this, read Romans Chapter 8. If our sins are forgiven, then surely our votes - if they are "wrong", are also forgiven.

God is love. He said that "There is no other commandment greater than these": 

  1. Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.
  2. Love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Love your neighbor. What does that look like? 

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